Der aktuelle Guide Michelin Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011

Guide Michelin goes East. Um der Bedeutung der asiatischen Küche im Allgemeinen und der japanischen Küche im Speziellen „gerecht zu werden“, ediert der Guide Michelin zunehmend mehr (Städte)Ausgaben in dieser Weltregion. Um dem tatsächlichen Grund „gerecht zu werden“, sei´s an dieser Stelle nochmals erwähnt: der Guide Michelin will zuallererst das Geld der Japaner („critic sells“). Der Guide Michelin Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011 erscheint am 1. Februar 2011 auch in einer englischen Version.

Cover_Guide_Michelin_Kyoto_Osaka_Kobe_2011Michelin presented the new MICHELIN guide Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011, which offers a selection of the best hotels and restaurants in those 3 cities. The guide introduces a total of 312 establishments of which 239 restaurants, 42 hotels and 31 Ryokans. Available in Japanese and English version, the MICHELIN guide Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011 will going on sale from February 1, 2011 in France for the English version.

In the MICHELIN guide Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011 selection:
– Total 12 restaurants earned three stars in the selection (7 in Kyoto, 3 in Osaka and 2 in Kobe). In Kobe, there are two new three-star restaurants: Cá Sento and Komago. In Kyoto, the restaurant Nakamura has gained 3 stars and in Osaka, Kashiwaya and Taian have been promoted from two to three stars in this year’s selection.
– Total 44 restaurants (22 in Kyoto, 12 in Osaka and 10 in Kobe) and 2 ryokans (all in Kyoto) earned two stars in the selection. A total of 13 new restaurants joined the selection directly with two stars and 12 restaurants and 1 ryokan are promoted from one-star to two-star
– Total 183 restaurants (71 in Kyoto, 75 in Osaka and 37 in Kobe) and 2 ryokans (one in Kyoto and one in Kobe) earned one star. Also, 85 restaurants and 1 ryokan have gained their first star in the 2011 selection.

In the MICHELIN guide Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011, the whole Japanese cuisine keeps majority with over 80% of the selected restaurants. The major culinary styles are represented, including, soba, sushi, tempura, fugu, unagi, Izakaya, Kushiage, Oden, and Shojin ryori, etc. The 2011 guide selects new types of cuisine: Japanese Chicken Specialties, Obanzai (home style cuisine) and Japanese Yuba (tofu cream). The remaining is comprised of French, Chinese, Fusion, Italian, Steak house and “ryokan” (traditional Japanese guest house) which are found only in Kyoto and Kobe.

MICHELIN guide Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011: the selection starred restaurants & ryokans
*** 3 stars: 12
** 2 stars: 46
* 1 star: 185

Kyoto: *** 3 stars
Chihana (Japanese)
Hyo-tei (Japanese)
Kikunoi Honten (Japanese)
Kitcho Arashiyama Honten (Japanese)
Mizai (Japanese)
Nakamura (Japanese)
Tsuruya (Japanese) 

Osaka: *** 3 stars
Hajime (French Contemporary)
Kashiwaya (Japanese)
Taian (Japanese) 

Kobe: *** 3 stars
Cá Sento (Fusion)
Komago (Japanese)

More information:

Feedback: „Nur der Guide Michelin zählt“ “GUIDE MICHELIN backstage – auf den Spuren der Tester” “Guide Micheline Deutschland 2011” “Guide Michelin Schweiz 2011” „Guide Michelin NYC 2011“ „Guide Michelin Chicago 2011“ „Guide Michelin San Francisco & Bay Area 2011“ “Guide Michelin Hong Kong & Macau 2011” „Guide Michelin Kyoto Osaka Kobe 2011“ „Guide Michelin Tokyo 2011“ „Guide Michelin Belgien & Luxemburg 2011“ „Guide Michelin Niederlande 2011“ „Guide Michelin Spanien & Portugal 2011“ „Guide Michelin Italien 2011“ 

Der „Guide Michelin England & Irland 2011“ wird im Januar 2011 erscheinen. Die Ausgaben „Guide Michelin Frankreich 2011“ und „Guide Michelin Main Cities of Europe 2011“ werden im März 2011 erscheinen. wird darüber berichten.

(560 besucher, 1 besucher heute)
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