Schlagwort-Archive: Restaurant La Stüa
Chef´s Cup 2012 Südtirol
Alta Badia (Italy, Bz)– The 22nd – 27th January 2012 sees the seventh edition of Chef’s Cup Südtirol, a gourmet and lifestyle event that brings together leading chefs from Italy and abroad, in the superb, breathtaking setting of Alta Badia.
Veröffentlicht unter Gourmet Festivals Verschlagwortet mit Alta Badia, Alto Adige, Arturo Spicocchi, Chef´s Cup Südtirol 2012; Audi, Fabio Cucchelli, Guide Michelin Italy, Hotel Rosa Alpina, Norbert Niederkofler, Restaurant La Siriola, Restaurant La Stüa, Restaurant St. Hubertus Schreib einen Kommentar